The 7th International Cultural Program (ICP) 2024 Unhas was held from 3-10 July, 2024.

The theme of the program “ Exploring South Sulawesi Maritime Culture “

The International Cultural Program (ICP) facilitated talented and enthusiastic young minds from all over the globe, to engage in a 7-day cultural program in the beautiful city of Makassar, Indonesia. Followed by delegates from 33 countries,  66 participants were exposed to the rich cultures of South Sulawesi through field trips and learn an introduction to the Indonesian language and traditional dance. The program provided international students with the opportunity to spend their summer break from university visiting historical sites and engaging with the rich cultural experiences of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This program featured one-week activities where participants could learn the Indonesian language and gain experience in Indonesia’s cultural and academic life.

Three foreign students from UIN Alauddin participated in this program ; Muzammail, Nasser and Nessma and share their experiences below.

There is no word to describe the international cultural program Which was held between the period of July 3 and ending on July 10  conducted by Hasanuddin University in South Sulawesi, the city of Makassar, which aimed to bring together international students from all over the world and all over Indonesia to learn about Indonesian culture, customs and traditions, including dance and local food dishes, as this was done in  The city of Takalar and parts of Makassar to see these wonderful traditions and seafood, as well as to get to know the Makassari people and the Bugazi people. The international cultural program is unique in its kind, as every university must do it in order to get to know Indonesian culture in the best way. It was a wonderful experience and all respect and appreciation to  Hassanuaddin University International Office also all the love to my university to let me know about this program and I hope That my university implement such a program as soon as possible, and also all appreciation to the international office of Aladdin University.

Saya dengan tulus berterima kasih karena telah memberi saya kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam [Program Kebudayaan Internasional].   Ini adalah pengalaman yang unik dan memperkaya, karena memberi saya kesempatan untuk belajar tentang beragam budaya dan bertukar pengalaman dengan orang-orang dari latar belakang berbeda.

Selama program berlangsung, saya berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran tentang budaya Indonesia dan cara memasak masakan Indonesia, yang berkontribusi dalam memperluas kesadaran saya dan memperkaya pengetahuan saya tentang jenis-jenis ikan yang terdapat di Indonesia.  Berinteraksi dengan para ahli dan spesialis juga memberi saya pemahaman lebih dalam tentang cara memasak dan menari bahasa Indonesia.

Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penyelenggara yang memberikan dukungan tiada tara, dan kepada para peserta yang berbagi pengalaman berharga mereka.   Pengalaman ini bukan sekadar perjalanan budaya, melainkan perjalanan penemuan diri dan pengembangan pribadi.

Saya berharap dapat menerapkan apa yang telah saya pelajari di bidang pekerjaan saya dan berkontribusi dalam mempromosikan dialog budaya di komunitas saya. Dengan penghargaan dan rasa hormat yang tulus,

I am Nesma from Algeria, a student at Aladdin University. I participated in the ICP program at UNHAS University in Makassar. The program was diverse and attended by students from different countries of the world, 33 countries. It was rich in cultural diversity, and this is a very beautiful thing, as if you were traveling countries and continents in one place. As for the organization of the university and their reception, it was classy and high level. I am happy to join this program

Criticism: The program is mixed, I mean, the Islamic character did not appear more.

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