August 19, 2024 – Omer Mohamed Taha Alkanan, a doctoral candidate in the Dirasah Islamiyah program with a concentration in Islamic Economics and Halal Industry at UIN Alauddin Makassar, successfully defended his dissertation and was officially promoted to the rank of Doctor with an exceptional GPA of 3.97. His defense took place on Monday, August 19, 2024, at the West Lecture Theater of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching, UIN Alauddin Makassar.  

Prof. Dr. H. Abustani Ilyas, M. Ag, the Director of the Postgraduate Program, chair the Promotion, recognizing Omer’s outstanding achievement as an aprovement high standards upheld by the university. 

The promotion committee, led by distinguished experts Prof. Dr. Muslimin, S. Ag, M. Ag., Dr. Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari, M.Comm, Dr. Sabbar Dahham Sabbar., praised Omer for his thorough research, analytical rigor, and the contribution his work makes to the fields of Islamic economics and the halal industry. Additionally, the examiners Prof. Dr. Hasyim Haddad, S.Ag., M.Ag., Dr. Nasrullah Bin Sapa, Lc.MM, and Dr. H. Abd Syatar., Lc., M.Si. and external promotor Dr. Masruddin, S.S., M.Hum,  were integral to the evaluation process. Omer’s ability to present his findings and answer questions in Arabic, English, and Indonesian during the defense further highlighted his academic prowess and linguistic versatility. 

Omer’s dissertation, titled “Islamic Branding And Marketing Ethics In The Period Of The New Normal: An Insight Into Consumer Perception Of Halal Products In Makassar, Indonesia,” explores how Islamic branding and marketing ethics influence consumer perceptions, particularly in the post-Covid-19 era. In a world where health and ethical considerations have become more prominent, Omer’s research is both timely and relevant, particularly for a predominantly Muslim society like Indonesia. 

Omer’s findings have practical implications for businesses, governments, and Islamic organizations. For businesses, adopting Islamic branding can help attract consumers who are increasingly concerned with the ethical and religious aspects of their purchases. Governments and Islamic organizations can support this by raising awareness about the importance of Halal products and ethical marketing through educational campaigns.  

Certification bodies also play a crucial role in maintaining consumer confidence by ensuring that Halal certification processes are strictly followed. Omer’s research suggests that further studies could focus on identifying the specific aspects of Islamic branding that most influence consumer perceptions, providing even more targeted strategies for businesses in the Halal industry. 

Omer’s remarkable achievement sets a high standard for future doctoral candidates, showcasing the depth of research and dedication required to excel in the field of Islamic studies. 

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